
CRM jobs (Customer Relationship Management jobs) exist within businesses that collect and segment data acquired from customers and suppliers for marketing purposes. In the marketing mix, CRM complements acquisition budgets, adding more value to the spend that generated the customers in the first instance.

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eCRM Jobs, (Electronic Customer Relationship Jobs) are more popular in the Digital Marketing sector with sophisticated cookie-based tracking techniques allowing for advanced customer targeting.

Traditionally CRM techniques would have been popular in the home catalogue world, where customers were targeted with mailers in the post based on their buying behaviour. More recently with the advent of digital marketing, email databases have eclipsed this and are used for communicating specific creatives with a range of messages including new products, seasonal offers or loyalty discounts.

Successful CRM candidates will have an analytical mind, have the ability to identify trends and provide marketing solutions with the customer journey in mind. Being customer centric with everything that CRM candidates do is particularly important for career development. By understanding customer behaviour, different offers and messages can be communicated to different segments and response rates analysed for future activities.

Development from a CRM Executive to a CRM Manager will require an in-depth understanding of successful CRM techniques along with other key attributes of the role including:

  • Strong understanding of customer journeys and creating a strategy using Roadmaps. Have the ability to challenge your data!
  • Immersing yourself in the relevant databases or have a strong relationship with database teams
  • Have the ability to create segments, understand and influence customer journeys and maximise leads from channels
  • Liaise with and have the ability to develop strong relationships with key senior stakeholders
  • Manage and develop staff to create a strong and successful team that generates results

For tips on how to create the perfect CRM CV, click here. Otherwise, have a look at the jobs below or feel free to call us on 0161 833 1044 to discuss your CRM career.

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