Lucy Thompson, a busy working mother, wife, and friend, knows the struggles of trying to maintain perfection while managing multiple roles. After experiencing the detrimental effects on her mental health, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and embracing self-care practices, she transformed her life. Now, with her own hypnotherapy practice and as a fitness coach, Lucy helps women break free from the pursuit of perfection. In this blog, she shares practical tips to prioritise mental wellbeing, from managing stress to practicing mindfulness. Discover how to find balance and embrace imperfection for a healthier, happier life.

Lucy Thompson, Coach & Hypnotherapist


So how do you empty a stress bucket?

  • Make to do lists

This sounds so simple, but it works. When you have a million and one things going around your head your stress bucket is going to be overflowing! If you can write them down and get them in order of priority then you are clearing out space in your mind, therefore reducing the feeling of overwhelm. Then you get to tick them off! And this in turn causes our brains to release dopamine which gives us positive feelings such as motivation, happiness and pleasure. I like to include smaller, really achievable tasks in my to-do list such as ‘feed the dog’ because that can then be ticked off and still gives me a dopamine response, thus leading to desire to do more.

  • Self care

This gets bandied around a lot, because it is so important. It is often the first thing that goes when we get busy. However, taking just a few minutes each day to do something for yourself can make a big difference.  You can not pour from an empty cup! 

So do something that fills your cup up. Go for a walk, read a book, have a bath, go to the gym, do yoga, phone your best friend. Whatever it is that works for you to help you to relax and recharge, make it a priority.

  • Set boundaries

It can be easy to say yes to every request that comes your way, whether it's from your boss, your spouse, or your children. However, saying yes to everything can quickly lead to burnout and stress. Instead, set clear boundaries and learn to say no when necessary. 

This might mean delegating tasks at work, asking your partner to take on more household responsibilities, or simply letting your friends know that you need some time for yourself.

  • Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving mental health. Thinking, worrying, stressing about future or past events can fill that stress bucket right up to the brim. Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present moment can help you to feel more grounded and focused.

This might mean practicing deep breathing, meditation, or simply taking a few minutes to focus on the present moment, noticing what your senses are doing. What can you see, hear, smell, taste and feel in this very moment?

  • Gratitude

I start each session with a simple question, “what's been good?”

When we practice gratitude and start to think about the good things in our life (even the really small things) it moves our thinking into the more positive, logical part of our brains. This is the part that can find solutions and can make a proper assessment of the situation in front of us. So when faced with a difficult email, or a screaming child, instead of feeling panicked and overwhelmed, we can deal with it calmly and appropriately.

  • Seek professional help if necessary

Finally, if you're struggling with your mental health, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Whether it's through therapy, medication, or both, getting the help you need can make a huge difference in your overall well-being.

So… does it work? 

I am the proof in the pudding! Lucy Thompson pre 2018 had no confidence or no self esteem left. I was crippled by the pursuit for perfection. It prevented me from stepping out of my comfort zone.

I am now four years down the line and I have been on the BBC News, BBC radio, sat on panels in front of 100’s of people and I no longer have any fear about sharing my experiences on social media. I still have good and bad days, but now I know that I now have the tools to help me cope with the bad days which means that they are now just days and not weeks, months or years.

You can have a look at my Website, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin by clicking these links.


Thank you so much for sharing Lucy!


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