In this series, avid amateur gardener and qualified Mental Health First Aider, Leif Radford (Data and Tech Recruitment Director) hopes to make looking after your mental wellbeing more accessible by combining two topics he’s passionate about, Mental Health and Gardening.


Leif Radford -Data and Tech Recruitment Director at The Candidate


3. Maintenance requirements: Consider how much time and effort you are willing to put into maintaining your garden. Some plants require more care and attention than others, so it's important to choose plants that fit your lifestyle and level of commitment.

If you lead a busy work life and then have family commitments when you get home, it’s sometimes difficult to try and squeeze in an hour of quiet yoga. Instead, could you use your commute time to practice mindfulness, which is low profile and can be done pretty much anywhere – such as on a tram ride home. Set yourself achievable goals that fit around your schedule, and that you have enough time to dedicate to.

Whether its choosing activities aligned with our personality traits, setting goals to guide our mental health journey, or considering the time and effort we can realistically commit to, a mindful and personalised approach is key. Just as a well-tended garden thrives and blossoms, our mental health can flourish when we cultivate practices and strategies that align with our specific circumstances and goals. So let's embrace the idea of the mind garden and nurture our mental wellbeing with care and intention.

Thank you Leif! Make sure you check back soon for episode 2!

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